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Introduction to veterinary anatomy and physiology textbook
Introduction to veterinary anatomy and physiology textbook
3° ed., 275 pagg., 400 ill., Elsevier, ottobre 2015
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€ 39,99
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€ 34
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A sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an essential basis for the effective clinical treatment of companion animals. The new third edition Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook offers clear and comprehensive of the common companion animal species. Updated throughout with a new section added on large animals, the new edition features augmented online learning resources with new questions and quizzes. Students can test their knowledge with multi-choice questions, drag and drop exercises and an image bank, while instructors can download questions, figures and exercises to use as teaching aids.

Section 1 The dog and cat

Chapter 1 Principles of Cell Biology

Chapter 2 Tissues and Body Cavities

Chapter 3 Skeletal System

Chapter 4 Muscular System

Chapter 5 Nervous System and Special Senses

Chapter 6 Endocrine System

Chapter 7 Blood Vascular System

Chapter 8 Respiratory System

Chapter 9 Digestive System

Chapter 10 Urinary System

Chapter 11 Reproductive System

Chapter 12 Common Integument

Section 2 Exotic species

Chapter 13 Birds

Chapter 14 Mammals

Chapter 15 Reptiles and fish

Chapter 16 The Horse

Section 3 Large Animals

Chapter 17 The Cow

Chapter 18 The Sheep

Chapter 19 The Pig

Victoria Aspinall, BVSc, MRCVS, Director, Abbeydale Vetlink Veterinary Training Ltd, Gloucester, UK


Melanie Cappello, BSc(Hons)Zoology, PGCE, VN, Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology, College of Animal Welfare, Huntingdon, Cambs., UK

Codice Articolo: ANATO57
ISBN: 9780702057359
Peso: 790 g
Area: Tutte le specie
Disciplina: Anatomia
IVA: Esente IVA